Music Lessons, now held Online

It has been 2 months into Circuit Breaker period and we hope everyone is doing okay. During this very difficult time, many music schools have put a pause to conducting Music Lessons at their premises. KGMA has also suspended it’s Music Lessons at King George’s Building.

To ensure that Music Education continues, we have brought all our Music Lessons Online. We took the following steps to ensure a smooth transition from In Person Lessons to Online Lessons:

  • Ensuring our Music Teachers have the Audio Equipment to set up their live stream from home.

  • Changed our attendance system to be Online-based

  • Quality checks on all our Teachers’ stream to ensure good audio and video quality

  • Provided Music Scores for lessons

We believe that Music Lessons can be just as fun, enriching and engaging when held Online. We hope that our students can consider having Online Music Lessons during this period to substitute the usual Music Lessons held at KGMA. All students are welcome to join our Online Music Lessons!

Secondly, we would like to announce that we have decided to continue our Online Music Lessons even after Circuit Breaker ends. Some of our students have voiced out that they prefer having lessons at home and online. However, be rest assured we will resume Music Lessons at KGMA’s physical location after our school is allowed to open again. This will benefit students without instruments and also students who prefer in-person Music Lessons in general.

Presently. we are still unsure of the exact date where we can operate again. We will keep in touch with all our students and keep everyone informed once we are able to open again.

Stay safe during this period and we hope to see you soon!

All the Best,
KGMA Family