CoronaVirus Notice

Dear students and parents of King George's Music Academy,

In light of the coronavirus situation, we will be stepping up our efforts in fighting against the coronavirus (2019n-CoV). With effect from 7 February 2020, we have in place the following measures against the coronavirus:

- Mandatory temperature taking of every person stepping into KGMA

-Providing a anti-bacterial hand wipe to everyone entering KGMA

- Cleaning of drumstick/music instrument after every class

- Hand soap and hand sanitizers readily available for use

During this period, we encourage those who have their own music instrument / drumsticks and books to bring it for their own use during class to minimize the sharing of items. Rest assured if you don't have your own; we will be cleaning common/shared items (e.g. Drumsticks, Piano keys, Guitar) after every class takes place. We are also stepping up on the cleanliness of the school. The health of our students and staff are of utmost importance, especially during the coronavirus period. If you have any suggestions to make regarding how we can make our music school a safer one, feel free to let us know.

Lastly, we advise all students who feel unwell to stay at home and reschedule their classes if needed. If you are experiencing flu symptoms or suspect that you might have been infected/have been in close contact with someone who has been infected, please see a doctor and stay at home for at least 14 days and monitor your health.

We hope that all students stay safe and healthy during this period of time. Thank you and see you soon.
Do visit MOH’s website: for more updates on 2019-nCov.